Friday, April 8, 2011


Aha. Just finished talking. With... S :D
Hee. He'll sit for his speaking test on this coming tuesday.
Tadi practice dgn dia speaking. Hihi.

Kitorang set time. Making it as if we are in the real speaking test.
Har har. Dia Candidate A. And I'm the Beeeeess. Haha.
Because theres only two of us(who else?duh-.-)

Dia baca soalan and all. Then, the first 2mins to prepare, another 2mins to speak.
Dia start dulu and saya pun dengar dengar lah. Saya tak comment pun :( Kemudian, bila part saya, saya pun hmm haa hmm haa. Terkedek kedek speaking. Maklumlah, teman dok tengok usop wilcha je, semua speaking teman dah jd lain mcm. Dah lama lah takbuat tolong lah faham. And i cant really finish it on time. 2mins je dia cakap Candidate A, you may now make ur conclusion -.- Jahatnya. Tak tolerate langsung. Haha. Bangga lah dia habis on time, poooooodah.
And then he said, my points semua irrelevant. boo hoo. kurengsasamsjawas.

(can't remember well but something like that)

GOOD LUCK OKAY S, This tuesday, be orang putih for one day. Haha. I'll pray for you. Do your best, aite? :*

Fight like a man baby.