Saturday, February 12, 2011


I heart you , S

In 2weeks time. I'm done with my asasi. Then 1week off for study week. Then finals. Hmm
What is this? I'm so not ready -__________- cepatnyaaaa

Okay itu maksudnya, Ive to study hard. Err. And no more facebook and all , right? Err. We'll see.
Okay after asasi, I'll have a long break. 5-6 months. So I rarely gonna meet my S :(
And he probably will go to other U:/ But lets hope dia dapat masuk uitm okay. Amin :D

When there's a will, there's a way. S :)
I hope u'll do well in this coming exam and score ur muet! Tau
Come come , come back to Uitm. I'll be waiting.
I know you can do it. I know you're good in all these law thingy.
Don't go to other universities. U know uitm loves you kan.
Uitm wont let go a good student like you. Hihi. Just score. And come back! Tau!

I'll do my best too. So that both of us get good results, baru sedondon. Eceh.
Study smart azza. Study real smart. I want to get 3.8 and above. Its a must! InsyaAllah
but 4 would be good. Hihi.
Pray for me.

Allah knows the best for both of us. kan S. So wherever we go, as long as we trust, sincere and faithful to each other. Distance wont let us apart. Hihi. I really love you.

He's cute. I know :p