Sunday, February 6, 2011

Can't wait

Okay today is sunday. Rindu okay duduk rumah. Best gila cuti ni. Padahal 4hari je pun. But well, i managed to gather all my strength,zahir dan batin to eat and eat and eat! Oh yeah.
Yesterday, i ate two bowls of porridge, 3 or 4 plates of spaghetti (i can't remember), 4 sausage, and ..... sebut semua mmg taklah. hihi. mana dapat makan semua dalam sehari kalau dkat mawar -.- you are so mean mawar! kenapa lah blok B, jauh perjalanan utk mencari makanan awak tahu, seksa perut saya. oleh yang demikian, saya membuat keputusan untuk membalas dendam dirumah. muahaha. eleh

Can't wait to meet him this monday! :D

Oh but wait, I got discussion this monday, final discussion ya knowww. *-*
Since I didn't do well with my debate. Now i have to score on my speech and discussion. Or else Imma dead meat. Please azza. U want good results right? So be prepared.
Of course I want :( So , what uve to do?
Okay peeps, get back on track. Wear you seatbelt cause we're going to have a long adventurous ride! weheeeeeeeeuw. Finals this march. So azza. Every night, starting from today onwards, u need and HAVE to revise whatever u've learned. Okay? Aye aye captain!